This is the time for you to become an ukulele PRO!! Be a part of the amazing UkeLikeThePros Community; a place where you can learn without limit, interact with other uke players, play your favorite songs, jam in a worldwide club party and, the best of all, solve all your questions and doubts with an online weekly Q&A with Terry Carter.
Become a Member!
Choose the perfect Membership for you and make a commitment to your playing!

"Becoming a Premium Member it's more than just another membership, it's a 360º experience that will help you grow, belive in yourself and improve in amazing ways, as a musician, as a person and as a member of the ukulele community"

You will have access to all the UkeLikeThePros Courses, more than 20 courses for ukulele, baritone, guitarlele, and more.

Weekly LIVE Q&A Sessions
You can join the LIVE Q&A Sessions Terry does for baritone, ukulele and guitarlele with all the ULTP community.

Monthly Challenges and Giveaways
Monthly challeges where all members participate to get the chance to win a Koaloha ukulele or an awesome discount on the ULTP Ukulele Store.

Access to Forum and ULTP Community
Share all your progress, make friends, participate in music debates, get access to premium content with this amazing platform for our community.

Become a Platinum Member!
With our BRAND NEW and exclusive Membership you will have VIP and ALL access to the courses and LIVE events we do on Ukelikethepros.You don't have to pay for anything else, with this membership you have complete access for a year!

Courses Early Access
Get Early access to what's new! With the Platinum Membership you will be the first to get access to all the new courses for Ukulele, Baritone and Guitarlele.

Get extra value! We do different workshops on specific topics that will help your Playing! As a Platinum you have VIP FREE access to all of them!

VIP Challenges
Become a VIP member in ALL of our challenges! You will always have access to the downloads and the upgrade it instrument giveaways!

Mary J. Wisniewski David Lowe Will Peralta

Sue Lofgre
"I am so glad I found your site! I probably spend at least 4 hours a day watching your lessons and practicing.
I'm still at the beginning stage but it gives me a lot to look forward too.
I have spent a year jumping around on YouTube trying to find someone who could teach me how to play in a way that I could follow.
I don't know how to read music but now I am learning.
You really are an amazing teacher and I trulyappreciate your willingness to share your talents!"

Roylin Picou
Once upon a time this keyboard player strongly desired to learn how to play the guitar but I found most guitars too BIG and painful to play! I tried the Ukulele but I found most of them to be too small.. While on my Quest to find the Perfect stringed instrument. A Guitarlele leapt into my world! But as I searched YouTube and the Internet I couldn't find any tutorials on how to play this gorgeous instrument. Then out of nowhere I came across Terry Carter via Ukelike the Pros on YouTube and saw he was offering a Guitarlele course! Well the rest is BLISStory! Terry this course is Godsend for me! My cup runneth over with Joy, bliss, beauty, learning,creativity and Fun! I wake up and go to sleep thinking about what I'm going to learn next! Thank you Terry

Colleen Carroll
"Literally was perfect. The videos were short but not too short. Kept my attention, gave me direction andpractice but I could squeeze one in if I only had a few minutes. The pacing was great. The clarity wasexcellent in terms of being able to see whatyou’re doing as well as your explanations. It was fun. I loved thatwe learned a little about the chords, the strumming and reading music. It was appropriately repetitive whereneeded but not too repetitive. It wasn’t stressful but relaxing tho made me want to put effort into getting better and remembering the chords.You’re a great teacher! And I’m a career educator and teacher evaluator by trade so I am a tough critic!"