How to Restring a Ukulele

The Ukulele is all about strings. These strings do magic when it comes to music. Hence, you cannot avoid learning how to restring a Ukulele. Although, changing strings is a daunting task, but there is no way out. Therefore, it is better to learn it fast as the best Ukulele chords and lyrics depend a lot on the stringing of the Ukulele.

Choosing the Correct Ukulele Strings

Interestingly, today one can find myriad options of Ukulele strings. There are all types of strings ranging from high quality to low. Still, it is important for you to make a sound decision as not all strings are cheap. For beginners cheaper metal strings could work, but it won’t have the same sweetness of melody as that of costly metal strings. Another option, which is highly advisable, is to opt for nylon strings. These are affordable, but then for this you have to learn how to restring a Ukulele.

Requirements to Restring Ukulele

There are some important things that are required for removing old strings and adding new ones. These are:

  • Set of new strings
  • String cutters
  • String winder
  • Perfectly flat table
  • Rubbish bin

Steps to Carry Out Restringing of Ukulele

1.       The first step is to release the string till it slides off the tuning peg. You may also cut the strings with string cutters and then remove it easily. String winder can help you in making the winding faster.

2.       The second step is to remove the string from the Standard Bridge or Tie-bar Bridge. For the Standard Bridge, you must carefully slide off the strings keeping it parallel to the body of the ukulele. In case of the latter, firstly you must try to untie the string from the bridge. After this push the free end into the knot, thereby loosing the strings properly.

3.       The third step involves attaching the new string to both Standard Bridge and Tie-bar Bridge. In a standard bridge, tie a knot at one end of the string, then reverse the second knot and tie it at the same spot. After this slip this double-knot into the notch by pulling the string towards the headstock of the ukulele.

4.       In Tie-Bar Bridge you need to slide one end of the string into the small hole in the bridge. After this take the end of the string to loop up and behind the string at the top. Make sure you loop the end of the string at least twice or thrice.

5.       Lastly, you must always ensure that you start with the C string. After this you may move forward to string the E string, A string and finally the G string respectively.

If you are passionate about learning how to restring A Ukulele and are looking for the best Ukulele chords and lyrics, then Uke Like The Pros is your destination.


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